Paul Robinson
Missionary whose focus is to the National Police of Columbia (Heroes of Justice) and their families
Hola, and Warm Greetings to our Family at Hawaii Calvary!
We hope that this brief update captures your minds and thrills your hearts, hearing how Holy Spirit power is “shaking up” the spiritually dead and revealing himself within the National Police of Colombia, South America.
Over the last 17 years of living in Colombia, South America, we have remained focused, passionate, and unwavering in our commitment to God’s calling to reach the National Police of Colombia and their families for the Kingdom of God. Because of this, we have ministered to thousands of police officers, their family members, citizens, and our governing officials.
When we were with you in June 2023, we shared that our ministry was expanding and that God had given us a vision for having our own ministry center. This place would be used to provide specialized training for the police and also help meet the many needs of their families by offering life-skills and discipleship training, counseling, educational workshops, as well as a safe and spiritual place where the officers and their families feel welcome and call “home.”
On September 16, 2024 at 8:30 a.m., we held our groundbreaking ceremony on our property where the four-story building will become the home of the Heroes of Justice ministry center and Assemblies of God Bible Seminary of Bucaramanga. Construction has begun! Hallelujah!
Calvary Hawaii, on the behalf of Heroes of Justice and the Bucaramanga Bible Seminary, we say “mahalo” and “gracias” for your sacrificial investments, love, prayers, and commitment toward reaching the Colombian National Police and their Families for Jesus.
Prayer Requests:
Guidance and wisdom as we organize our Chaplain teams to minister throughout the northern region of Colombia.
Provision for the remaining $200,000.00 needed to complete the building project debt-free within the next 11 months.
2023 AUGUST Updates:
Some of the most memorable things about itinerating are our encounters with those who are so “all-in”
excited about the Great Commission and the supporting of missions work. From east to west, we have driven
through the night, bad weather, prayed our way across the pot-hole laden highways, slowed down for road
construction, avoided animals, maniacal drivers, and have fought city traffic corridors that hosts some of the
best wanna-be NASCAR drivers around.
And guess what? This is just how we roll, and it is so worth it
when we arrive in your hometown ready to share what God is doing through our Heroes of Justice ministry,
chaplains, and church plant. So, at the end of the day, we count our blessings and thank God for you all!
BIG BIG NEWS! Builders International and Priority One have blessed us with their partnership as we
continue raising the finances to construct a four-story building that will host the Bucaramanga Bible
Seminary and the Heroes of Justice Ministry Center. How cool is this! I mean, we cannot shout enough
“hallelujahs,” so friends, don’t be shy. Jump in, praise the Lord, and please partner with us in this endeavor.
SHOUT-OUTS to all the pastors and dear friends who have graciously blessed us with a place to stay, meals
together, delightful conversations, and for believing in, and supporting, what the Lord is doing through Heroes of Justice. “Aloha” to our Hawaiian Ohana, and blessings to friends, Pastor Armand Madlangbayan and his family who are pastoring well at my childhood home church, Bethel AG in Elmhurst, IL.
We have met many young Assemblies of God missionaries and have been touched by their personal stories and their callings. God is calling them and they are responding, so we urge you to keep them in your prayers and yes, support them.
Why we do what we do ... Because He First Loved Us!
Paul & Kristi Robinson